Three Obstacles to Better IT Onboarding and How to Avoid Them

In the dynamic realm of organizational onboarding, anything that improves the new hire experience reigns supreme. Discover how embracing advanced IT onboarding solutions can mitigate common onboarding challenges, paving the way for seamless integration of new employees into the workforce.

 Uncovering Onboarding Obstacles

There are three common IT obstacles that all companies face when trying to optimize the onboarding experience of their new hires. Overcoming these hurdles should be a key goal for all HR and IT organizations.

1. Communication Gaps Between HR and IT Departments

One of the primary hurdles faced during onboarding is the disconnect between HR and IT departments. HR is often caught up in all of the legal and compliance requirements for onboarding a new team member and does not notify IT until the last minute about a new hire. This lack of communication often leads to delays in device setup and access provisioning, hindering new hires from swiftly becoming productive to their roles.

Picture a scenario where a new employee eagerly starts their first day working from their home office, only to find their email and application accounts non-existent, and no device delivered for their work. Basic miscommunication between HR and IT leaves them feeling unimportant to the company while valuable time is lost in the onboarding process.

2. Mistake-prone Device Procurement and Provisioning

Device procurement and provisioning tends to be a mistake-prone process and therefore stands as another impediment to efficient onboarding. Lengthy lead times for hardware procurement add risk to any mistakes being made, and the constant change on hardware models and availability make it difficult to order correctly. Additionally, provisioning of devices is often filled with mistakes in the software that is loaded as well and the account that is setup for the device.

We have all seen the situation where a newly hired person awaits hours or days for an outdated device to be configured on their first day. This delay not only frustrates the employee but also sets a suboptimal tone for their journey within the organization.

3. Slow Access Granting to SaaS Applications

Restricted access to crucial SaaS applications adds complexity to the onboarding experience. It is very common that new hires go weeks without access to some applications due to broken processes that could streamline the the granting of user access. Without immediate provisioning of necessary tools, new team members struggle to engage fully with their responsibilities, hampering overall productivity.

How often have you seen it where a new team member has no idea what is happening because this are not receiving communication or updates within critical business applications. They often find out negatively that they have missed a deadline or update in their first few weeks by no fault of their own. It can be frustrating and de-motivating for a new hire when they are just getting started in their new role.

Flattening Obstacles with a Modern Solution

Modern IT onboarding solutions offer a paradigm shift in onboarding processes by automating and expediting critical workflows. The right solution can break down the obstacles to great IT onboarding with an integrative approach that drastically reduces setup timelines, ensuring workers are functional immediately.

1. Connect HR and IT

All companies have at least two systems of record for workforce identity – the HRIS which is run by HR and the Identity Provider, which is run by IT. Connecting these systems together is critical to better HR-IT communication. The systems should be connected both in workflow automation like onboarding and offboarding of workers, as well and the data that is stored in those systems like address, emails, and phone numbers.

Connecting HR and IT systems and processes is nuanced and must be implemented well. For instance, if all sales team members are supposed to have access to the CRM, then HR and IT must be in lockstep about what departments are considered sales especially during org changes and restructurings.

2. Automate Procurement and Provisioning

With automation, organizations can minimize human errors and ensure that new hires have the necessary equipment and access from Day One. This entails leveraging technology to streamline device ordering, setup, and delivery. Best practices for procurement may include maintaining an inventory of pre-configured devices ready for deployment, significantly reducing the lead times for new hires.

Furthermore, automation in provisioning allows IT departments to seamlessly install required software, security protocols, and configurations ahead of time. Best practices also involve creating standard setups for various roles within the company customized to the specific needs and job functions of each worker. Auto-provisioning should also include automatic updates and patches to software, ensuring that all devices remain secure and up to date.

3. Implement Profile-based Application Provisioning

Automated application account provisioning should be based on user information such as title, department, location, and employment type. Provisioning in this way is a significant leap forward in operational efficiency. This approach leverages predefined roles and permissions templates that align with specific job functions within an organization. For instance, an employee with a VP title in the marketing department can automatically determine their access to the budgeting system as well as the CRM they need from Day One. This method not only accelerates the onboarding process but also minimizes the risk of human error in granting access to sensitive company resources.

Furthermore, automation can adapt to the dynamic nature of modern workplaces, where remote work and flexible office locations are becoming the norm. By incorporating location and employment type into the provisioning process, IT departments can ensure that employees have access to location-specific groups and applications, while also making certain that remote contractors, for instance, do not have access sensitive data that cannot cross international boundaries. Through automating SaaS application account provisioning, companies can achieve a more secure, efficient, and adaptable IT infrastructure that supports their evolving needs.

Elevating Onboarding Experiences

In conclusion, the adoption of an advanced IT onboarding solution is a significant stride towards optimizing the IT onboarding process for any organization. By addressing communication gaps, expediting device setups, and templating application access, organizations can provide a seamless onboarding journey that empowers new hires to excel from day one. Embracing modern IT onboarding isn’t just about operational efficiency—it’s about fostering a culture of innovation, agility, and success in the ever-evolving organizational landscape.


About the Author

Scott Ryan is a seasoned executive with over 25 years in the IT infrastructure and media technology industries. His experience spans across entrepreneurship, leadership, and strategic planning, having led or assisted in leading the successful exit of multiple companies. Scott is a frequent speaker and panelist at industry events, investment conferences and podcasts. He lives in Atlanta with his wife and two children.

About Montra Technologies

Montra Technologies is the innovator of identity and device management solutions for modern IT management. Modern IT management puts identity at the center of security and provisioning for all services and devices being used by employees. Montra’s platform is directly integrated with a company’s current HR and IT software for seamless, automated management of people and devices, regardless of location. Montra is trusted by some of the world’s most recognizable brands which use Montra’s innovative platform to improve the efficiency and security of their identity and device operations. The company was founded by industry experts with decades of technology leadership. Recognized by Channel Futures as an MSP to Watch and listed on the Inc. 5000, Montra is a Signature member of the ATDC at Georgia Tech.

Identity Lifecycle Management in the Modern Enterprise: The What, Why and How

In today’s digital landscape, where data breaches and cyber threats are prevalent, businesses are increasingly focusing on Identity Lifecycle Management (ILM) to safeguard their sensitive information and ensure secure access control.

Understanding Identity Lifecycle Management

The Identity Lifecycle

Identity Governance enables organizations to strike a delicate balance between productivity – ensuring swift access to necessary resources for individuals entering the organization – and security – determining adjustments in access rights as per changes in employment status.

At the core of Identity Governance lies Identity Lifecycle Management, a crucial component for effectively managing digital identities. Scaling up governance successfully requires the modernization of the infrastructure supporting identity lifecycle management in applications. The objective of Identity Lifecycle Management is to streamline and automate the entire digital identity lifecycle process for individuals associated with an organization.

Identity Lifecycle Management encompasses the processes and technologies used by organizations to manage the lifecycle of user identities within their systems. It involves creating, maintaining, and revoking user access rights throughout the user’s journey with the organization:

  • Onboard: When a person requires access, applications require an identity. Hence, a new digital identity might need creation if not already existing.

  • Transfer: When someone transitions across boundaries necessitating adjustments to their digital identity by adding or removing access authorizations.

  • Offboard: When someone no longer requires access, it’s necessary to revoke access. Subsequently, the identity may become unnecessary for applications except for audit or forensic purposes.

Benefits of Implementing Identity Lifecycle Management

Implementing ILM offers several benefits to businesses including:

  • Security Enhancement: By enforcing access controls, it bolsters security measures to restrict sensitive data and system access solely to authorized users.

  • Administrative Efficiency: The solution simplifies user access management tasks, minimizing the chances of human error and unauthorized entry.

  • Compliance Maintenance: Additionally, ILM aids organizations in adhering to regulatory standards like GDPR and HIPAA, ensuring continued compliance.

Addressing Challenges with Identity Lifecycle Management

Businesses face challenges such as ensuring rapid onboarding and offboarding processes, and maintaining a balance between security and user convenience. ILM addresses these challenges by providing automated workflows for user provisioning and deprovisioning, role-based access control, and continuous monitoring of user activities.

Implementing Montra Via for Efficient Identity Lifecycle Management

To streamline the ILM process and ensure compliance, companies can leverage cutting-edge solutions like Montra Via. Via offers advanced features such as automated onboarding and offboarding of users, profile-based provisioning of user accounts on over 350 applications, direct integration with identity providers like Microsoft Entra and HR systems like ADP Workforce Now. By implementing Via, organizations can improve operational efficiency, enhance security, and reduce compliance risks.

Real-World Results

For instance, an Atlanta-based professional services firm implemented Via and received a 2x reduction in onboarding time and a 3x reduction in onboarding and offboarding mistakes within the first two months. They have improved the experience for their new employees who are getting productive faster, and they are reducing their security and compliance risks by ensuring “zombie” accounts aren’t left open after a departure.

Tips for Creating a Successful Identity Lifecycle Management Strategy

Creating and maintaining a successful ILM strategy requires more than just great software. Businesses need to change their processes and make certain their people have what they need to be successful. Any businesses should consider the following tips:

  • Balance Security and Accessibility: Strive to find a balance between stringent security measures and user-friendly access controls to ensure that users will follow the processes they should.

  • Security Awareness Training: Provide comprehensive training to employees on security best practices, data protection protocols, and the importance of adhering to ILM policies.

  • Rights Monitoring: Regularly monitor user access rights, review permissions, and conduct audits to identify and address any security vulnerabilities.

  • Seek Guidance: Keep abreast of industry trends, regulatory changes, and emerging technologies to adapt your ILM strategy accordingly. And if you need, find partners that can help you stay current.

By following these best practices, businesses can establish a robust Identity Lifecycle Management framework that safeguards critical assets, mitigates risks, and fosters a culture of proactive cybersecurity.

In conclusion, Identity Lifecycle Management plays a crucial role in modern business operations by ensuring secure and efficient management of user identities. By adopting advanced solutions like Montra Via and adhering to best practices, organizations can effectively navigate the complexities of identity management and safeguard their digital assets.

For more information about Montra, please contact us at


Send Them on Their Way: The Benefits of Automating Your IT Offboarding Process

Saying goodbye can be tough, especially when it comes to offboarding employees. There’s paperwork to collect, access to revoke, and a multitude of other tasks to complete. And, let’s be honest, no one wants to waste their time on a process that’s notorious for being bureaucratic and time-consuming. But what if I told you that automating your IT offboarding process doesn’t have to be a headache? In fact, it can be one of the smartest things you do for your organization. Here are just a few benefits of automating your IT offboarding process.

A 2019 study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that the average cost per employee for manual offboarding is approximately $15,000, a significant expenditure considering that the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a median tenure of 4.2 years for employees. By automating the IT offboarding process, organizations can reduce this cost by up to 50%, according to an Oxford Economics study. Furthermore, a survey by ITProPortal found that 89% of IT professionals agree that automation significantly reduces the risk of human error in the offboarding process, enhancing data security.

Save Time and Money

Manually offboarding an employee can be time-consuming. It requires searching for and revoking access to various systems, collecting company equipment, and completing paperwork. However, by automating the offboarding process, companies can save time and cut costs. Without automation, IT and HR teams can spend hours manually removing access to various systems and returning equipment. With automation, however, these tasks can be completed quickly and accurately, freeing up staff to focus on more strategic tasks.

A study by Nintex reveals that HR professionals spend an average of 49 minutes on a single manual offboarding task. This duration can escalate when considering the multiplicity of systems and access privileges an employee might have. Indeed, a survey by the Ponemon Institute found that 62% of respondents who had left their job retained access to their former employer’s systems, implying the failure of manual processes to thoroughly revoke access. The same study highlights that automated offboarding could mitigate this risk by 85%.

When it comes to cost savings, a report by the Aberdeen Group found that organizations with automated offboarding processes experienced 60% lower administrative costs and 12% lower overall turnover costs. Furthermore, an IBM study showed that automation can reduce the time spent on administrative tasks by up to 20%, freeing HR teams to focus on strategic business initiatives.

Reduce Risk

Offboarding is a risk management issue, and failing to do it correctly could result in costly data breaches and compliance issues. When offboarding is manual, it can be challenging to ensure that access to all applicable systems and data is revoked. Automation ensures that all appropriate systems and data access are terminated, reducing the risk of data breaches and the potential for compliance violations.

According to a study conducted by the Ponemon Institute, the average total cost of a data breach in the United States is $8.19 million, a figure that underscores the financial risks associated with improper offboarding. Additionally, the Verizon 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report found that 30% of all data breaches involved internal actors, highlighting the critical importance of properly revoking system access upon employee departure. Automating the offboarding process can mitigate such risks. According to a survey by ITProPortal, 73% of IT professionals believe automation significantly reduces the risk of data breaches during offboarding. Furthermore, IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020 found that companies that had fully deployed security automation saved $3.58 million compared to those with no automation. These statistics clearly illustrate the financial benefits and risk mitigation potential of automating the IT offboarding process.

Simplify the Process

Most IT and HR teams dread the offboarding process because it can be complex, with several steps that need to be completed in the correct order. With automation, this process can be streamlined, and tasks can be completed simultaneously, which makes offboarding less daunting for HR and IT staff.

Research further supports the simplification benefits of automation. According to a report by Deloitte, 65% of organizations cite complexity as the most significant barrier when it comes to offboarding employees. Gartner reports that automation can reduce the number of steps in the offboarding process by up to 60%, significantly simplifying the task for IT and HR teams. Furthermore, a survey by ServiceNow found that organizations that have automated their offboarding process experienced a 50% reduction in HR inquiries related to offboarding, further underscoring the efficiency and clarity that automation brings to the process.

Boost Employee Morale

While it’s not often highlighted, automation of the offboarding process can significantly improve the morale of existing employees. A study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that workers tend to feel disengaged and less productive when they see their colleagues go through a messy or disorganized offboarding process. Automating this process ensures it’s handled professionally and efficiently, which can boost the morale and productivity of your remaining team members.

In a recent survey conducted by KPMG, it was discovered that companies that automate their offboarding process see a 50% reduction in the time it takes to offboard an employee. Furthermore, according to a report by the Ponemon Institute, businesses that automate their offboarding process have seen a 30% decrease in the occurrence of data breaches related to former employees. These statistics underscore the significant benefits of automating the IT offboarding process.

Enhance Security

It’s easy for former employees to take sensitive company information with them if their offboarding process isn’t done correctly. Automating the process ensures that all data and system access is removed, reducing the chances of sensitive information being accessed or shared without authorization.

Automation significantly reduces the risk associated with human error in the offboarding process. According to a report by Symantec, human error accounted for 27% of data breaches in 2019. Automating your IT offboarding process can prevent such lapses by ensuring that each step is performed accurately and consistently. In fact, a study conducted by Ipsos found that organizations that have automated their offboarding process reported a 60% decrease in data breaches related to former employees. Such statistics underscore the importance of automation in maintaining data security during the offboarding process.

Ensure Compliance

Various regulations and compliance requirements mandate proper offboarding of employees. Manual processes can be error-prone, leading to violations of compliance policies. By automating the offboarding process, organizations can more easily achieve compliance and avoid penalties.

For instance, according to a report by the Ponemon Institute, non-compliance costs 2.71 times the cost of maintaining or meeting compliance requirements. This statistic clearly illustrates the financial implications of non-adherence to compliance policies during the offboarding process. Moreover, a study conducted by Osterman Research found that 67% of organizations have suffered a data breach as a result of employees having inappropriate access to company data, underlining the compliance issues associated with improper offboarding. By automating the offboarding process, companies can significantly reduce such risks. Indeed, a survey by ITProPortal revealed that 75% of IT professionals believe that automation significantly reduces compliance risks during offboarding.

In Conclusion

Offboarding processes can be burdensome on HR and IT departments, but automation can make it a lot easier and more efficient. By streamlining the process, automating can save time, reduce risk, simplify the process, enhance security, and ensure compliance. Don’t be daunted by the seemingly complex IT offboarding process. With the help of automation, you can streamline the process and enjoy a more efficient HR system while at the same time being confident that your compliance requirements are always being ticked off.