Montra Continues Growth and Moves Up the 2023 Inc. 5000

Montra Continues Growth and Moves Up the 2023 Inc. 5000

For the second year in a row, Atlanta-based Montra ranks among America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies

ATLANTA, August 15, 2023 – Inc. revealed today that Montra ranks No. 1,399 on the 2023 Inc. 5000, its annual list of the fastest-growing private companies in America. The prestigious ranking provides a data-driven look at the most successful companies within the economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent, entrepreneurial businesses. Notably, Montra, the leader in IT management-as-a-service, is among the top 200 software companies in the United States.

“We are thrilled to be recognized for the second year in a row on the Inc. 5000. We remain fiercely focused on providing our customers tools that meet specific needs in today’s distributed workplace market, and that translates into growth,” says Scott Ryan, CEO, Montra.

The Inc. 5000 class of 2023 represents companies that have driven rapid revenue growth while navigating inflationary pressure, the rising costs of capital, and seemingly intractable hiring challenges. Among this year’s top 500 companies, the average median three-year revenue growth rate ticked up to an astonishing 2,238 percent. In all, this year’s Inc. 5000 companies have added 1,187,266 jobs to the economy over the past three years.

“We’ll continue to re-invent remote IT management. No sector is free from the security, productivity and logistical challenges a distributed workforce brings. From onboarding/offboarding services, to device security and logistics, to field rollout and installation, to ensuring cybersecurity compliance, our goal is to become a seamless component of remote IT operations for any company who needs us,” says Ryan.

For complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, location, and other criteria, go to The top 500 companies are featured in the September issue of Inc. magazine, available on newsstands beginning Tuesday, August 23.

“Running a business has only gotten harder since the end of the pandemic,” says Inc. editor-in-chief Scott Omelianuk. “To make the Inc. 5000—with the fast growth that requires—is truly an accomplishment. Inc. is thrilled to honor the companies that are building our future.”

More about Inc. and the Inc. 5000

Companies on the 2023 Inc. 5000 are ranked according to percentage revenue growth from 2019 to 2022. To qualify, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2019. They must be U.S.-based, privately held, for-profit, and independent—not subsidiaries or divisions of other companies—as of December 31, 2022. (Since then, some on the list may have gone public or been acquired.) The minimum revenue required for 2019 is $100,000; the minimum for 2022 is $2 million. As always, Inc. reserves the right to decline applicants for subjective reasons. Growth rates used to determine company rankings were calculated to four decimal places.


About Montra

Montra is the leader in IT Management-as-a-Service which provides advanced remote IT management for today’s workplace. Montra is trusted by some of the world’s most recognizable brands which use our innovative platform to provide exceptional service automation and responsiveness. Montra’s platform is directly integrated with our customers’ other software for seamless, efficient, automated tracking of devices, regardless of location. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the company was founded by industry experts with decades of technology leadership. Recognized by Channel Futures as an MSP to Watch and listed on the Inc. 5000, Montra is a proud member of the ATDC at Georgia Tech. For more information visit or connect with us on LinkedIn or Twitter.

About Inc. 

Inc. Business Media is the leading multimedia brand for entrepreneurs. Through its journalism, Inc. aims to inform, educate, and elevate the profile of our community: the risk-takers, the innovators, and the ultra-driven go-getters who are creating our future. Inc.’s award-winning work reaches more than 50 million people across a variety of channels, including events, print, digital, video, podcasts, newsletters, and social media. Its proprietary Inc. 5000 list, produced every year since 1982, analyzes company data to rank the fastest-growing privately held businesses in the United States. The recognition that comes with inclusion on this and other prestigious Inc. lists, such as Female Founders and Power Partners, gives the founders of top businesses the opportunity to engage with an exclusive community of their peers, and credibility that helps them drive sales and recruit talent. For more information, visit

For more information on the Inc. 5000 Conference & Gala, slated for October 31 – November 2 in San Antonio, visit

Remote Management System Deployment: Beware of the Security Risks

Remote management systems have evolved into a valuable tool for IT professionals, enabling remote access, monitoring, and management of their organization’s IT infrastructure. However, as with any technology, they come with inherent risks. Deploying remote management systems without considering the potential security issues can lead to disaster, ultimately undermining the benefits of remote access. In this blog post, we will explore security considerations that every CIO, CISO, and IT Director must keep in mind when deploying remote management systems.

Comprehensive Security Policy

Before starting the deployment process of remote management systems, it is important to have a comprehensive security policy in place. A comprehensive security policy should include the security measures that will be implemented to safeguard your organization’s assets. The policy should also define the roles and responsibilities of each member of the IT team, and specify the security controls in addition to the access controls that will be in place. By having a detailed security policy, you will make sure that the remote management system is deployed in a secure manner.

According to the Verizon 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report, over 70% of breaches were perpetrated by outsiders, and a significant 45% of those breaches featured hacking. Among those incidents, 37% exploited vulnerabilities in virtual private network (VPN) services, which are a common component of remote management systems. Moreover, a study by Ponemon Institute found that the average cost of a data breach in 2020 was a heart-stopping $3.86 million. So, when we’re discussing comprehensive security policies, we’re not just setting the rules for a game – we’re talking about a potential multi-million-dollar rescue operation.

Secure Communication Channels

Remote management systems operate using a network connection. Therefore, it is essential to use a secure communication channel to prevent unauthorized access. Encryption is the standard method for encoding messages so that only authorized parties can read them. Encryption can also protect against man-in-the-middle attacks by securing communication channels with secure protocols like SSL, TLS, and SSH. So, let’s make no bones about it, failing to encrypt your communications is like leaving your front door wide open with a giant neon sign that reads “Free Stuff Here – No Need to Knock”.

Encryption isn’t enough though. According to data from the 2021 Cybersecurity Report by Check Point Software, encrypted attacks, where threat actors hide their exploits in encrypted traffic, have seen a stark rise of almost 50% in the second half of 2020. The report also reveals that SSL/TLS encrypted attacks accounted for 23% of all attacks in 2020. Furthermore, the 2020 Trustwave Global Security Report indicates that a massive 20% of cyber attacks targeted Secure Shell (SSH) protocols. IT organizations need to be smart about how they handle encrypted traffic, especially in remote locations with less sophisticated network firewalls.

Access Control and Authorization

Access control is a fundamental aspect of any security policy. The access control policy for remote management systems should be based on the principle of granting the least privileges. According to the Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, in 2020, over 70% of breaches involved privilege misuse. Furthermore, a survey by Centrify revealed that 74% of respondents whose organizations had been breached acknowledged it involved access to a privileged account—these are the keys that unlock access to systems and sensitive data. Granting the least privileges means that users are given only the permissions they need to perform their duties, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Authorization-based access control mechanisms can be used to further ensure that users have access to the resources that they need.

Implementing least privilege access can reduce the attack surface, improve audit and compliance visibility, and reduce the risk of insider threats. Clearly, unfettered access is about as advisable as leaving your car keys in the ignition of your unlocked car at a kleptomaniacs’ convention.

Authentication Mechanisms

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user attempting to access a particular resource. Authentication mechanisms should be implemented to identify and verify users before granting access. The authentication mechanism should not only verify a user’s identity but also confirm that the user has permission to perform the required tasks. Multifactor authentication should also be used, requiring a password and another form of authentication, such as fingerprint recognition or a smart card.

The 2020 State of Password and Authentication Security Behaviors Report by Ponemon Institute found that 51% of respondents reuse passwords across business and personal accounts, making multi-factor authentication even more critical. In the same vein, Google reported that accounts protected by multi-factor authentication block 99.9% of automated attacks. Further supporting these findings, Symantec’s Internet Security Threat Report stated that 80% of breaches could have been prevented by two-factor authentication. So, if you’re choosing to ignore multi-factor authentication, you are opening the door to unauthorized access to your systems and data.

Continuous Monitoring and Auditing

Continuous monitoring and auditing help to identify and mitigate risks. It is essential to have tools in place that can detect suspicious activities and take remedial actions when necessary. Remote management systems should have auditing built into them, allowing security personnel to carefully track the activities that occur on the network and monitor the logs to identify any unusual activity.

According to the 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report by IBM, companies that identified a breach in less than 200 days spent $1 million less on the total cost of the breach – a pretty penny saved by acting swiftly. Additionally, the SANS Institute revealed that continuous monitoring reduces the average time to identify a threat to 14.5 hours, a drastic improvement from the industry average of 206 days. Further strengthening this stance, a report by the Ponemon Institute indicates that organizations without security automation experienced breaches that were 95% more costly than breaches at organizations with extensive security automation. So, if you think continuous monitoring and auditing are like watching paint dry, remember – it’s considerably more exciting than watching your company’s finances drain away post-data breach.

Deploying remote management systems can be a powerful tool for IT professionals, enabling remote access, monitoring, and management of their organization’s IT infrastructure. However, security considerations must be taken into account during deployment and regular operations. We have highlighted the most crucial security considerations such as comprehensive security policy, secure communication channels, access control and authorization, authentication mechanisms, and continuous monitoring and auditing. Therefore, IT professionals must ensure they have a robust and comprehensive security policy in place before deploying remote management systems to protect their organization’s assets from unauthorized access and cyber threats.


Trustwave Global Security Report. Trustwave Holdings, Inc. 2020. Link to report

Microsoft Security Intelligence Report. Microsoft Corporation. 2020. Link to report

Centrify Privileged Access Management in the Modern Threatscape. Centrify Corporation. 2020. Link to survey

The 2020 State of Password and Authentication Security Behaviors Report. Ponemon Institute. 2020. Link to report

Symantec Internet Security Threat Report. Symantec Corporation. 2020. Link to report

Cost of a Data Breach Report. IBM Corporation. 2020. Link to report

SANS Institute Report: Reducing Attack Surface with Security Control Automation. SANS Institute. 2020. Link to report

Ponemon Institute: The Cost of Inaction for Cybersecurity. Ponemon Institute. 2020. Link to report

How Hybrid Work is Affecting Remote IT Management: A Crash Course

As the world continues to adapt to the changing landscape of work, the concept of hybrid work has emerged as a popular model for many organizations. Hybrid work combines elements of remote work and in-person collaboration, allowing employees to have flexibility while also maintaining some level of face-to-face interaction. While this shift has brought numerous benefits, it has also presented unique challenges for IT management. In this post, we will explore the various ways hybrid work has impacted remote IT management and discuss strategies to navigate this new working model.

In a remote-only work environment, IT management was more focused on ensuring remote team members had the infrastructure, technology, and tools needed to do their jobs effectively. However, as we continue to transition into a hybrid work environment where some team members are working on-site while others are working remotely, IT management must ensure that the hybridity doesn’t cause communication or collaboration issues.

There are a few areas of IT Management concern that need to be addressed in good hybrid IT Management:

1.   Loss of Control of Digital Assets

One of the significant impacts of hybrid work on IT management is the loss of control over digital assets. With teams working remotely and often using their own devices, IT managers are faced with the challenge of ensuring the security and integrity of company data. According to a recent study by Gartner, 70% of IT leaders reported a decrease in control over digital assets since the implementation of hybrid work. This loss of control requires IT managers to implement robust security measures, such as multi-factor authentication and encryption, to safeguard sensitive information.

The solution to this is to implement strict and comprehensive access protocols that ensure only authorized users can get to the sensitive data. Multi-factor authentication, least privilege access, and data loss prevention tactics are some of the ways to achieve this.

2.   Increase in Security Concerns

Alongside the loss of control over digital assets, hybrid work has led to an increase in security concerns. Remote employees may not be as cautious about cybersecurity best practices when working from home compared to when they are in the office. This opens up opportunities for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities and launch attacks. A survey conducted by Cisco revealed that 68% of IT professionals observed an increase in security breaches since the transition to hybrid work. To address this challenge, IT managers must prioritize security awareness training, regularly update software and systems, and implement strong application access security protocols.

3.   Need for Efficient Communication

Effective communication has always been crucial in IT management, but the need for seamless communication has become even more critical in the era of hybrid work. Leaders must make sure they’re up-to-date with how team members are experiencing remote and on-site work and if they’re comfortable using technology tools. According to a survey conducted by Slack, 82% of IT professionals identified communication gaps as one of the top challenges in managing remote IT operations. To bridge these gaps, IT managers are leveraging collaboration tools, such as project management platforms, instant messaging apps, and video conferencing software, to facilitate efficient communication and ensure smooth workflow.

4.   Enhanced Infrastructure and Scalability Demands

Hybrid work has resulted in increased demands for infrastructure and scalability in remote IT management. As more employees work remotely, IT managers must ensure that the company’s infrastructure can handle the additional load and provide seamless access to necessary resources. A report by Forrester predicts that by 2025, organizations will spend $19 billion on technologies that enable remote work. This includes investments in cloud-based solutions, virtual private networks (VPNs), and scalable IT systems. IT managers need to proactively assess and upgrade their infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of hybrid work.

5.   Effective Remote Support

In a hybrid work environment, remote IT management also needs to ensure that there is a standardized support system in place to guarantee that remote and on-site employees receive quick IT assistance and support. This calls for a mechanism in place that can field and handle IT-related requests regardless of whether the employee who is facing the issue is working remotely or on-site. A helpdesk system can be an excellent solution. Robust helpdesk software that’s equipped with chat and email functionality should suffice.

There’s no denying that hybrid work is transforming the way businesses operate. In addition to its many benefits, it brings significant challenges that businesses must solve to thrive in a hybrid work environment. IT managers must navigate the loss of control over digital assets, address heightened security concerns, prioritize efficient communication, and meet enhanced infrastructure demands. By implementing proactive strategies and leveraging appropriate technologies, organizations can effectively manage their IT operations in the new era of hybrid work. Embracing these changes will not only ensure productivity and security but also foster a collaborative and flexible work environment for employees.

Here are the references for the information mentioned in the post:

Gartner Study

Gartner. (2022). Hybrid Work and the Future of Work. [Online]. Available:

Cisco Survey

Cisco. (2021). Future of Secure Remote Work. [Online]. Available:

Slack Survey

Slack. (2021). Remote Work in the New Normal. [Online]. Available:

Forrester Report

Forrester. (2021). The Future of Work Infrastructure. [Online]. Available:


Montra Releases Notable Updates To Its IT Management Platform

Montra Releases Notable Updates To Its IT Management Platform

Workforce Management, Asset Management, Advanced Filtering Features Give Users More Productivity Options

ATLANTAJuly 19, 2023PRLog – Montra, the leader in IT management-as-a-service, announces today updates to its award-winning platform, providing customers with improved navigation and an increased breadth of available features. Advanced filtering is now available across all parts of the Montra platform, allowing users to define advanced multi-factor filters that provide quick, customized data retrieval for easier reporting. Additional updates include:

Workforce Management

With a simplified user interface and automated presets, the onboarding process is more productive and flexible than ever, providing an improved employee experience. New hire types are available (sales, software development, finance, etc.) and roles and IT rights are more defined, giving greater security options for hiring managers and IT administration. Other updates include:

  • Workforce team member profiles in the directory now include assigned assets and licenses detail.
  • SaaS Application License Management: Tenant Admins can now setup their applications from a set of pre-defined SaaS application licenses (e.g., Microsoft 365, Adobe Creative Cloud, Dropbox, etc.)
  • A new interface to view license usage and add or remove user licenses.

“We listened to our customers and developed additional options that meet specific needs in today’s market. Research has shown that a strong onboarding process improves new hire retention by up to 82 percent,” says Scott Ryan, CEO, Montra.

Asset Management

As the workplace evolves and more people and processes are remote, managing devices has never been more critical — or challenging. Montra’s asset management tools now include the ability to view individual asset details, including asset assignment histories, and show all asset types over the entire platform, including spare or returned devices. Additionally, devices can be configured with user assignment, asset type, conditions and other qualifiers for more advanced tracking and management.

“The Montra platform is critical to our business. We use Montra as a source of truth for our customer asset information,” says Colby Adamson, COO North America, Pixellot, “These additional asset management features will make it even easier for us to manage our ever-expanding fleet of devices, saving us money and time.”

About Montra Technologies

Montra is the leader in IT Management-as-a-Service which provides advanced remote IT management for today’s workplace. Montra is trusted by some of the world’s most recognizable brands. Montra’s platform is directly integrated with our customers’ other software for seamless, efficient, automated tracking of devices, regardless of location. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the company was founded by industry experts with decades of technology leadership. Recognized by Channel Futures as an MSP to Watch and listed on the Inc. 5000, Montra is a proud member of the ATDC at Georgia Tech. For more information visit Montra’s website or connect with us on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Montra Expands Customer Base with Addition of Discovery Storage

Montra Expands Customer Base with Addition of Discovery Storage

Next-gen Self-Storage Facility Operator Gets Nationwide Coverage with Montra’s Remote IT Management Platform

ATLANTA (June 20, 2023) — Montra, the leader in IT management-as-a-service, announces today it has signed Discovery Storage as a new customer, handling the company’s distributed IT management needs.

“We needed a single nationwide partner to design, rollout, and manage all our properties’ technology assets across all our locations. Montra was the right choice and they have been instrumental in keeping our devices secure, while cutting our IT management time and cost,” says Dan McCoy, Co-founder and Managing Partner, Discovery Storage. “Montra helps us keep the advanced technology in our properties working securely so our on-site staff can focus on delivering great service to our customers.”

By staging, pre-configuring network gear, and assisting the onsite installers, Montra set up all of Discovery Storage’s systems remotely without the cost of flying specialists to every location. Montra’s ongoing monitoring enables proactive response to find and fix issues as they arise. If needed, Montra’s software manages the process of returning systems for repair or replacement, providing Discovery Storage’s management visibility through the entire process.

“We are proud to work with Discovery Storage and look forward to growing our partnership as they expand across North America,” says Scott Ryan, CEO, Montra. “Whether you are onboarding remote employees or deploying devices into remote locations, our software manages the workflows to get people productive and devices secure quickly and efficiently.”

About Montra

Montra is the leader in IT Management-as-a-Service which provides advanced remote IT management for today’s workplace. Montra is trusted by some of the world’s most recognizable brands which use our innovative platform to provide exceptional service automation and responsiveness. Montra’s platform is directly integrated with our customers’ other software for seamless, efficient, automated tracking of devices, regardless of location. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the company was founded by industry experts with decades of technology leadership. Recognized by Channel Futures as an MSP to Watch and listed on the Inc. 5000, Montra is a proud member of the ATDC at Georgia Tech. For more information visit or connect with us on LinkedIn or Twitter.