Cyber-readiness Strategy 11: Reduce Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

Nearly two-thirds of firms (65%) have experienced cyber-related issues in their supply chain in the past year. As a part of your cyber readiness plan, you must deploy protocols to evaluate and monitor the security of your supplier networks and third-party vendors.

The supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and with the increasing complexity of global supply chains, that weak link is becoming increasingly difficult to find and fix. Cybersecurity threats can come from anywhere in the world, and they can have a devastating impact on businesses of all sizes. That’s why it’s so important to include reducing supply chain vulnerabilities into your cyber-readiness plan. By taking steps to secure your supply chain, you can help protect your business from the devastating effects of a cyberattack.

Here are 7 ways to reduce your supply chain cybersecurity vulnerabilities:

1.     Understand Your Supply Chain

To reduce supply chain cybersecurity vulnerabilities, it is important to first understand your supply chain fully. By understanding the different components of your supply chain, you can better identify potential cyber risks and take steps to mitigate them. Make sure to conduct a thorough analysis of your supply chain including all your upstream and downstream partners, so that you can identify any potential weak points throughout the chain.

2.     Train Your Employees

This first place to start reducing your supply chain cybersecurity vulnerabilities is to train your employees. Employees should be trained on how to identify potential risks and how to mitigate them. They should also be aware of the different security controls that you have in place. By educating your employees, you can help reduce the risk of supply chain disruptions and keep your business running smoothly. If you are not comfortable doing this in-house, look for a third-party that has expertise in cyber-security training especially with supply chain in mind.

3.     Educate Your Suppliers

Another important step in reducing supply chain cybersecurity vulnerabilities is to educate your suppliers. Suppliers should be made aware of the different security controls that you have in place. They should also be trained on how to identify potential risks and how to mitigate them. You should look at cyber-security standards like NIST 800-161 and ISO 28000:2022, so that you have a common language and set of standards to use in your discussions with your suppliers.

By educating your suppliers, you can help reduce the risk of supply chain disruptions and keep your business running smoothly.

4.     Conduct Risk Assessments

Another important step in reducing supply chain cybersecurity vulnerabilities is to conduct risk assessments. By identifying potential risks, you can take steps to mitigate them. Risk assessments should be conducted on a regular basis – usually annually or semi-annually – so that you can keep up-to-date on the latest threats even as your supply chain changes. Risk assessments can be conducted with in-house personnel, but third-parties are often used to make certain that ‘new eyes’ a looking at the supply chain systems periodically.

5.     Implement Security Controls

Once you have identified potential risks, you can then take steps to mitigate them by implementing security controls. There are a variety of different security controls that you can implement, depending on the specific needs of your organization’s supply chain.

For instance, if you are moving computers or other smart devices through your supply chain, you need to take into consideration the patching and updating of those systems if they have been sitting in inventory for a long time. You should also consider the proper handling of those systems if they are returned for repairs. The systems should be air-locked until it is determined that they are not a risk to your organization.

6.     Have an Incident Response Plan

In the event of a supply chain disruption, it is important to have an incident response plan in place. This plan should include steps that you will take to mitigate the impact of the disruption. It should also include a list of contacts that you will need to contact in the event of a disruption. A complete Incident Response Plan will cover all aspects of your operation, not just your supply chain, but the supply chain has historically been left out of security planning. As modern supply chains become heavily digitized and as the items in the supply chain increasingly have software components to them, the Incident Response Plan needs to take the supply chain into account.

7.     Use a Cyber-aware Third Party Logistics Provider

If you are not sure how to reduce supply chain cybersecurity vulnerabilities, you may want to consider getting help from a third party logistics provider. A third party logistics provider can help you with a variety of different aspects of your supply chain. They can help you conduct risk assessments, implement security controls, and train your employees. By getting help from a third party logistics provider, you can effectively reduce supply chain cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Now that you know more about how to reduce supply chain cybersecurity vulnerabilities, you can take steps to protect your business. By taking these steps, you can help reduce the impact of a supply chain disruption and keep your business running smoothly. Cybersecurity is an important issue in the supply chain that should be given the attention it needs. By taking a proactive approach, you can help reduce the risk of supply chain disruptions and keep your business running smoothly.

If you are not sure how to start assessing or remediating your supply chain cybersecurity vulnerabilities, you may want to consider getting help from a security-aware third party logistics provider. By working with a third-party logistics provider that has strong cyber-security skills, you can have confidence that you can effectively reduce your supply chain cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

If you have any questions or would like more information about reducing supply chain cybersecurity vulnerabilities, please contact us. We would be happy to help you protect your business from the many threats that exist in today’s digitized supply chain. If you would like more information or have questions about how strong your cyber-readiness is, please contact Montra at

Seven Practices To Improve IT Asset Logistics

Do you know where all your company’s IT assets are? If not, you’re not alone – many businesses find it difficult to track down every phone, computer, or software license. IT asset tracking is an essential process for any organization looking to manage its technology resources efficiently. By establishing and following standardized procedures, your team can ensure that all devices and software are accounted for, and that important data is protected. In this blog post, we will outline some of the best practices in IT asset logistics so that you can create a system that works best for your organization. 

IT asset logistics is the process of tracking, monitoring, updating, and securing assets throughout their lifecycle. This includes locating and identifying assets, recording and tracking changes to asset data, and maintaining security and control over assets.  

The main goal of IT asset logistics is to ensure that organizations have a clear understanding of where all their assets are always. This helps to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize the risk of lost or stolen assets.  

For an organization to implement an effective IT asset logistics solution, there are several key requirements that must be met: 

1. IT Asset Tracking Software: First and foremost, an organization needs appropriate IT asset tracking software. This software should be able to track every asset in the organization’s inventory, from laptops and smartphones to software licenses and cloud service subscriptions.

2. IT Asset Database: The IT asset tracking software should maintain a central database of all assets in the organization. This database should include detailed information about each asset, such as its make, model, serial number, and location. Not only does it provide a centralized repository for all data, but that data can also then be used to generate reports, conduct analysis, and track change over time. The asset database should be updated regularly to ensure that it is accurate and up to date. Additionally, the database should be accessible to authorized users only. This will help to ensure that sensitive information about assets is not compromised.

3. Device Tracking: The tracking software should be able to track the location of each physical device in real-time. This information can then be used to generate alerts if a device is moved without authorization, or if it goes missing. Additionally, the software should allow users to set up geo-fences so that they can be notified if a device enters or leaves a specified area. In some cases, it may also be necessary to attach tags to the IT device. These tags may use GPS or other technology to provide real-time locations for the IT devices, which can be useful for keeping track of high-value items or for monitoring device movements in real-time. Another common method is to use barcodes or RFID tags that can be affixed to devices and read using a handheld scanner. This data can be used to track the location of devices and keep inventory records up to date.

4. Reporting and Analytics: The reporting and analytics features of IT asset tracking software are key for understanding how assets are being used, where they are located, and other data points. These reports can be used to improve operational efficiency and optimize the utilization of assets. 

For example, a report on IT asset usage can help to identify which assets are being used most frequently and which ones are sitting idle. This information can then be used to make decisions about how to best allocate resources. Additionally, reports on asset location can help to ensure that assets are being used in the most efficient way possible. If an asset is constantly being moved from one location to another, it may be time to consider investing in additional units so that the asset can be used more efficiently.

5. Integration: Finally, IT asset logistics software should be able to integrate with other business systems. This includes ERP, CRM, accounting systems, monitoring and security systems, and shipping and procurement services. Integration allows organizations to automatically share data between different business processes and improve overall visibility into their operations. Integration is key when it comes to effective IT asset logistics. All too often, organizations silo their information, making it difficult to get a holistic view of their technology resources. By integrating your IT asset tracking system with other tools and processes, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and that important data is not lost in the shuffle.

6. Automation: There are two ways to use automation to improve the accuracy and efficiency of IT asset logistics. The first is to automate the data collection process. This can be done in several ways, such as with barcodes or RFID tags, which are scanned by a handheld device. This data can then be used to track the location of devices and keep inventory records up to date. Secondly, you can use automated alerts to notify the appropriate personnel if a device is moved without authorization, goes missing so that your employees can take corrective action immediately.

7. Standardization: The last and most important aspects of IT asset logistics is to establish standardized procedures. This will ensure that all devices and software are accounted for, and that important data is protected. By following a set of standardized procedures, your team can improve communication and collaboration, and make sure that everyone is on the same page. Additionally, standardized procedures will help to ensure that your tracking system is able to scale as your organization grows. 

IT asset logistics is a critical process for any organization that relies on physical assets. By implementing an effective asset tracking solution, businesses can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize the risk of lost or stolen assets. For more information on asset tracking, please contact us at!